Increase the Chances of Getting Pregnant
If you are searching for ways to genuinely increase your chances of getting pregnant then look no further than those things that have been proven to do so in documented trials. In one study of couples trying to conceive it was revealed that there were three specific days to time intercourse that greatly increased the chances of conceiving compared to other days. The three optimal days are: two days prior to ovulation, one day prior to ovulation and the day of ovulation. In fact no pregnancies occurred when intercourse had taken place any day after ovulation.The third, fourth and fifth days prior to ovulation offered a small chance of conceiving, any days prior to that recorded no pregnancies. So how often should you attempt to conceive, everyday of your cycle or perhaps only on the five days prior to ovulation and the day of ovulation?Some couples attempt to conceive every day from the end of menstrual bleeding until they are certain ovulation has occurred, however month after month of this level of frequency can be quite taxing. When the crucial 'three day window' of opportunity comes along the energy levels and commitment at this time can often be compromised. It is wise to conserve energy for the crucial three days that offer the highest chances of getting pregnant.Central to the optimum timing of intercourse is the prediction of when ovulation is likely to take place. Inaccurate information about when ovulation occurs can render your conception attempts useless. There is one method of predicting ovulation that has been proven to outstrip the accuracy of the alternatives. By predicting your ovulation accurately and subsequently timing your conception attempts within the 'three day window' of maximum opportunity you can increase your chances of getting pregnant.